Report by All India Station Masters’ Association (AISMA)
Yes, it is a matter of contemplation.
Shri Sushant Bhushan Mohanty SS KGP SER and Shri Asish Kumar Khuntia TI KGP SER, the two innocent Station Masters (SMs) of South Eastern Railway (SER) are arbitrarily removed from service on 19.01.2024.
After the three train accident on 02.06.2023 at BNBR of SER, the Inquiry Report clearly stated of the innocence of the Station Master on Duty.
But, the Sr. DOM / KGP, (the Disciplinary Authority) stated that “on going through the Inquiry report minutely, the undersigned (i.e,. DA) disagreed with the findings of the Inquiry Officer”.
When the Inquiry Officer after the detailed enquiry submitted his report but the Disciplinary Authority stated that he is disagreeing, then what for an Enquiry?
Who is the authority dictating terms and forced the Sr. DOM / KGP to issue an arbitrary order?
AISMA, the premier trade union of Indian Railways, will certainly bring out the truth to the world.
The two innocent SMs who were arbitrarily removed, will be brought back to service gloriously. “Satyameva Jayathi”. Yes, Truth always triumphs.
As a token of our protest and solidarity, the Station Masters of Indian Railways observed BLACK DAY on 23 January 2024.