Know about the sector

Mobilising support and solidarity for a sector where the struggle against privatisation is being waged is one of the objectives of the AIFAP. Knowing about the sector allows us to extend informed support.

Here below are brief notes about various sectors and the status of privatisation in the sector. The notes are based on the information collected from leaders of federations/unions/associations of concerned sectors as well as by activists of KEC.

Please click on the sector you wish to know about.

Rail icon bank icon defence icon

AIFAP’s Belief
Public and Government sectors have been built with money of people.
They must be used for benefit of people and not for private profit.


Impact of Privatisation on Workers

The experience of privatisation in our country and other countries has repeatedly shown that workers heavily suffer, irrespective of assurances or promises made to workers by government or capitalists. Privatisation results in:
1. Loss of jobs
2. Increased use of contract workers
3. Loss of job security
4. Increase in workload
5. Working conditions worsen
6. Compromise with safety
7. Existing unions busted
8. Right to unionise denied
9. Rights earned through years of struggle nullified
10. Job prospects for the younger generation worsen.

AIFAP invites you to share your experience.


Impact of Privatisation on Consumers

Along with workers, consumers are as big sufferers, many times even bigger sufferers, though governments falsely claim that privatisation will lead to cheaper, better services/products for consumers.
Harmful Effects of Privatisation of Various Sectors on Consumers and Users

AIFAP invites you to share your views.

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