Message of Comrade L Mony, Central Working President (CWP), All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA)
Dear Running Staff,
We the Southern Railway (SR) running staff (Rgstaff) enter into the 20th day of our agitation. Around 850 Rgstaff availed 16+30 hrs PR, besides night rest after 2 nights. And we continue our agitation vigorously.
By this period 24 workers were suspended, but 20 of them have been taken back to duty.
Around 350 SF 11, and 5 SF5 are issued. So far nobody received the charge sheet except 3.
There were 16 people transferred from one depot to other.
In all cases of availing 16+30 hrs PR numbering 850 management marked absent in the muster role for one day.
We are sending our memorandum explaining the issue and requesting support to our cause to all the 542 MPs in Loka Saba as well as MPs of Rajya Sabha by e-mail.
Besides, memorandum were sent to all the CMs. Some of the Hon CM acknowledged it. The CM of Kerala forwarded it to Minister of Railway. The Labour Minster of Kerala and John Britas, MP Rajya Sabha from Kerala also sent letters to Railway Minister. So far, we personally met around 35 MPs and presented our case.
All the print and visual media extensively reported our agitation.
Various units of our AILRSA held demonstrations nationwide, observed black day in support of SR comrades.
In the meantime, the Indian Railway raised the number of posts from 4956 to 18000 for recruitment of ALP through RRB. It is our victory. As early as 2023, we objected to recruitment of mere 4956 ALP and we clearly represented that the existing vacancy is more than 16,000.
The sudden order of the Railway Board may be due to the Siliguri accident, combined with our present agitation.
Anyhow I request all the Rgstaff to continue their solidarity actions till we achieve our goal.
Red Salute to all Rgstaff who bravely availed their rights against all the penal action of the Railways.
L. Mony,