Play your role with determination by claiming your rights

Call by V. U. Sivakumar, Divisional Secretary, AILRSA Salem Division, Southern Railway


Dear Comrade,

You are requested to come forward to claim your weekly rest (16+30 hrs PR). Periodical rest and trip rest/ home station rest are different terms used in HWPR which cannot run concurrently and it should be granted to loco pilots separately like other employees. Other employees are enjoying their daily rest without any dispute but in case of loco pilots we are deprived with daily rest when we work towards outstation to outstation, where we are getting meagre 8 hours rest only; we are not compensated also. We are deprived with proper rest in outstation as well as home station.

At present our outstation detention is limited to 72 hrs, but there is upper limit earmarked for month/fortnight. Is any other employees subjected to this type of exploitation? Throughout the world working class is enjoying minimum 40 hrs weekly rest even in unorganised sector. But in case of loco pilots, we are getting meagre 14 hours weekly rest only. Why this discrimination to loco running staff?
Stop this step-mother attitude to loco running staff.

When any accidents happen, Railways will come to dais with years old safety drama by forming some safety committee. The drama is going on for the past so many decades. No recommendation is implemented in true spirits.
Finally, the recommendations put forward by HPC are kept in cold storage for the last so many years.

How long we will beg?
How long we will wait?
How long we will keep silent?

Break your silence. Now the battle field is ready.
AILRSA South Zone has given clarion call to all locomen.
Play your role with determination by claiming your rights.
Fight vigorously to achieve our genuine demands.

Allow us to work peace fully.
Allow us to shoulder family/social obligations.
Allow us to ensure safety in train operation.

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