Workers’ organisations observed Black Day to protest against the four labour codes


Report by the correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee

The four labour codes were opposed across nation on 23rd September, 2024 in response to a call given by the united forum of central trade unions and workers organisations.

Black day was observed at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi to oppose the four labour codes. A protest meeting was organised which included organisers from- AITUC, CITU, Mazdoor Ekta Committee, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, UTUC, SEWA, AIUTUC, AICCTU, IFTU, LPF, ICTU, and Jamunapar trade union.

The agitating workers had tied black bands on their arms to express their protest. They were holding placards in their hands on which slogans were written – “Cancel the four labour laws!”, “Stop selling banks, railways, insurance, electricity, health and education!”, “Stop filling the coffers of capitalist houses by looting the wealth of workers and farmers!”, “O creators of the country’s wealth, become the masters of the country!”, “Corruption is the fellow traveller of capitalism!”, “Cancel the labour codes that push workers towards slavery!”, etc.

Addressing the gathering, representatives of trade unions informed that despite strong opposition from workers and the labour organisations leading them across the country, the central government had passed the four labour codes during the Corona period. This was the time when, in the name of Corona, there was a severe ban on workers and farmers raising their voices, staging protests, etc. together against the atrocities and attacks on them. At such a time, these four labour codes were introduced through ordinances.

The speakers explained that as per the provisions of the Constitution, the ruling party has the right to implement any anti-labour, anti-farmer, anti-working class measure through ordinances to arbitrarily implement the agenda of the ruling capitalists. The government brought three anti-agriculture laws to increase the profits of domestic and foreign monopoly capitalists such as Tata, Birla, Ambani, Adani, Amazon, Walmart, Kargil etc.

The four labour codes have been introduced only to promote the profits of the capitalists. Our central government, which serves the interests of domestic and foreign monopoly capitalists, is pushing the workers of the country towards slavery through these labour codes. Through these labour codes, domestic and foreign capitalists will be able to earn immense profits by exploiting the labour of the workers.

In the country’s capital Delhi, workers are being forced to work at wages much less than the declared minimum wages, said representatives of several trade unions. There is blatant violation of labour laws right in front of the eyes of government officials, with full knowledge of the same. Due to unsafe working places, workers are becoming victims of fire and other accidents every day, in which they are killed or injured. Working for 12-14 hours has now become the norm. Social security like ESI and Provident Fund, Gratuity, etc. is not available to most workers. In the informal sector, no labour law is applicable at all. The condition of workers is the same in various states as well. The organizations participating in the public meeting demanded that privatization should be stopped, employment should be guaranteed, safety should be ensured at workplace, equal pay should be given for equal work, inflation should be controlled, the declared minimum wage should be ensured for all workers, contract workers should be given legally established wages and social security, etc.

The participating organizations resolved to intensify the struggle in defense of the rights of workers, farmers and all toiling people. The meeting concluded with the slogans ‘Long live workers’ unity!’, ‘Long live revolution!’.



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