Report by Kamgar Ekta Committee (KEC) correspondent
The Vidyut Karmchari Sanyukt Sangharsh Samiti, UP has decided to intensify its agitation against the proposed privatisation of the two power distribution companies. It will hold protest meetings across the state on 27, 28 February and 1 March. On 3 March, demonstrations will be carried out at all district headquarters and project offices during lunch hours in protest against the bid opening for the appointment of a transaction consultant for privatisation.
A large protest is planned on the same day at Shakti Bhavan, Lucknow where employees from all offices in the city will participate.
From 4 to 7 March, an awareness campaign among people will be carried while continuing the demonstrations.
On 8 March, a central meeting of all the constituent unions and service organisations of the Sanyukt Sangharsh will be held in Lucknow to decide future action plan.