Report by Kamgar Ekta Committee (KEC) correspondent
The 10th National Conference of Electricity Employees Federation of India (EEFI) was held on 10-12th March 2025 at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
More than 350 delegates from all sections of power sector – generation, transmission and distribution – from all across the country attended the Conference.
The Conference was inaugurated by Comrade Tapan Sen, General Secretary, CITU. He said the electricity workers’ struggle had been a true example of resistance and defiance against anti-workers, anti-people policies of the Modi government for past several years. The inaugural session was also greeted by Comrade Mohan Sharma, the General Secretary of All India Federation of Electricity Employees (AIFEE).
A very detailed report was presented at the Conference. The report pointed out the challenges in front of the electricity workers while accommodating the rapid technological transformation and the impact of Artificial Intelligence. The privatization in various forms along with contractualisation and other forms of non-regularisation of the workforce are the main issues confronting electricity workers now. The report discussed about the struggles, especially to protect the right to electricity for the consumers and to protect the public Power utilities.
The Conference adopted several Resolutions including on strong opposition to the privatisation of power sector and ensuring public ownership in renewable energy development.
A special Resolution was passed to ensure the success of two all India Strikes, one opposing Labor Codes, and other on the issues of electricity on 26 June 2025.
The Conference decided to form worker-consumers’ organization at every state, strengthen the united action with other electricity federations, strengthen the NCCOEEE.
A massive rally of the electricity employees took place in the evening of the first day of the Conference. The public meeting was addressed by Comrade Elamaram Kareem, the President and Comrade Swadesh DevRoye, the Working President of EEFI.