Maharashtra State Electricity Workers, Engineers, Officers Struggle Committee

Message to electricity workers by Comrade Krushna Bhoyar

Greetings to all honourable office bearers of the struggle committee.

The central government is trying to introduce the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021 in the ongoing session of the Lok Sabha. The bill is being opposed by over 500 farmers’ organisations that have come together under the Samyukta Kisan Morcha. The new Electricity Bill will affect power consumers, workers, engineers and officers, as well as crores of farmers in the country. The National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) had a meeting on 3 December in Delhi. The committee has decided to organise a demonstration in front of the parliament on 15 December 2021 and go on a nationwide strike in February 2022.

All organisations in Maharashtra had earlier decided to join the nationwide strike. To prepare for the agitation in Delhi, a meeting of the organisations participating in the Maharashtra struggle committee will be held on 7 December at 8.00 pm on the Google Meet app at the recommendation of NCCOEEE leader Comrade Mohan Sharmaji. If you have any suggestions regarding the meeting, please let us know. The meeting link will be sent to the group on the morning of the meeting.

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