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Vimla M
Vimla M
3 years ago

Opposing the anti people policies of the capitalist class and uniting around our common goal is the most critical task ahead of us. Let us strongly move in that direction💪🏽

Last edited 3 years ago by Vimla M
3 years ago

Governments’ drive for privatisation of PSUs is not acceptable and should be strongly oppossed not just by the employees of the respective PSUs but also by the consumers. PSUs are built from our hard earned money, from the money of the toiling majority and no government has the right to sell it off to the corporate houses so that the handful of them can become more rich. I support and salute the bank employees for fighting so hard against privatisation.

Santosh banerjee
Santosh banerjee
3 years ago

Protest every where around this country to expose the sinister plan of this fascist govt. To sell the country to the scoundrel corporates like Ambani, Adani, Jindal, Tata and others.This autocratic govt.has to be shown the door like Hitler and Mussolini !!