Pre-budget consultation by the Ministry of Finance with trade unions was a farce and mockery- Amarjeet Kaur,General Secretary, AITUC

Reactions by Comrade Amarjeet Kaur General Secretary AITUC on pre-budget consultation by the Finance Ministry with the trade unions on 18th December 2021

“The so-called exercise of pre-budget consultation by the Finance Ministry with the trade unions today 18th December was a farce and mockery on the part of the ministry. Having invited about 14 Unions and fixing a time of 3 to 4.15 pm in total in which they also invited CII representative who was not supposed to be in the consultation meeting with trade unions, the whole exercise became joke. Alloted three minutes on such an important subject and then the chronology of speakers not respected, and ever disconnection resulted in case of some including the speaker from AITUC, shows contempt of this government towards working class. The government is in hurry to subvert the public sector in favour of Indian and foreign corporates, and to scuttle and stifle the voices of trade unions who represent several millions of workers

We demand physical meeting and for longer duration for us to explain our view point.”

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