Retired Directors and Senior Scientists of CSIR Laboratories ask government to stop sale of CEL to a private company


Retired Directors and Senior Scientists of national laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have requested the Union government to take back the decision of sale of the Central Electronics Limited (CEL) to a private entity and retain and develop the CEL as a public sector undertaking to allow the engineers and scientists of India to commercialize and contribute to indigenous technological developments.

upload.Statement on CEL



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3 years ago

CEL has a glorious history and contribution in the fields of science and technical advancements of our country. Apart from such a huge national importance, CEL has been and is a profit making PSU and it will be so in the future too.
Selling the company to a private entity, that too completely inexperienced in the field, of course makes people concerned. The bidder companies have no relation whatsoever to the work of CEL. The concern of the scientific community is quite justified.
And while being sold, this public asset is terribly undervalued. These public assets are nothing more than a business for private companies. So they do not intend to serve people. They are not liable to fulfil that duty. Sale of CEL must be strongly opposed.