Fight for electricity as a Fundamental right at affordable price

Presentation by Er. Sachin Tickoo, Convenor, Jammu and Kashmir Power Employees and Engineers Coordination Committee (JKPEECC) & General Secretary Jammu and Kashmir Electrical Engineering Graduates Association (JKEEGA) at the monthly webinar organised by AIFAP on the above subject on 20 February 2022

Jammu and Kashmir became the first Union territory to have successfully thwarted the proposal of the Indirect Privatization through the united struggle waged by electricity employees and engineers with the support of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The privatization proposal would have compromised the rights of not only the people of Jammu and Kashmir for affordable electricity but also would have put the career of twenty thousand power employees of Jammu and Kashmir into danger.

The need of hour is unity across India among all the stakeholders who are likely to be adversely affected by the privatization policies in the power sector and fight tooth and nail to stop any attempt to derail the fight for fundamental right to electricity at affordable price.

Upload.fight for right to electricity-Sachin Tickoo
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