AIBEA calls all the bank employees to make upcoming two day Nationwide Strike successful

Nation’s progress doesn’t means the progress of corporates. The life of lakhs of workers matters. Collect from the Rich, Comfort the poor. Allocate more for Education.

Bank Employees also join Crores of Workers of the Country. Bank employees sacrifice two days’ salary for the sake of nation’s interest on 28th and 29th March. They are in the field, raising slogans to protect the interests of common people. They strike work to stop exploitation of crores of contract/outsourced workers. Strike for Nation, Strike for common benefits of working class. Strike against bad policies. Strike for better future.

March on to Nationwide General Strike 28-29 March, 2022 by 20 Crore Workers of Country.

#WeStrikeForNation #AIBEA #union #unity

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