Joint Call by various unions of Mumbai Port Trust to port & dock workers to make the strike on 5th April successful


Port and dock workers organise a nationwide symbolic strike on 5 April 2022 against the central government’s labour policies


(English translation of leaflet in Marathi)

Worker brothers and sisters,

Port and dock workers of the country’s 11 major ports have made a unilateral decision to issue a warning to the central government and organise a nationwide symbolic strike on Tuesday, 5 April 2022, against the central government’s anti-worker policies. Five recognised dock workers’ federations and their affiliated unions submitted a notice on 30/11/2021 stating their important demands. According to this notice, port workers were to go on a strike after 15/12/2021. However, the Chief Labour Commissioner intervened and summoned the federation leaders and port management for discussion. Several rounds of discussion on workers’ issues were held in Delhi. However, the management has not taken any action on the demands that were agreed upon in these discussions. No assurance has been given on the other demands. Therefore, on 10 March 2022, the Additional Chief Labour Commissioner called for a discussion. Because matters could not be settled in this meeting, a failure of conciliation (FOC) was declared. In this discussion that took place before the Additional Chief Labour Commissioner, representatives of the Ministry of Shipping and IPA were stubborn and non-cooperative. These officers left the meeting without informing anyone. Worker representatives registered their strong condemnation of these actions to the Additional Chief Labour Commissioner, which was taken into consideration. We believe that the above actions of the government test the limits of workers’ restraint and are in contempt of the Additional Chief Labour Commissioner.

Since 1 January 2022, the government has been making a conscious effort to create questions and confusion about wage increase and terms of service, pensioners’ benefits, pension, gratuity, medical facilities, bonus, etc. among workers. That is why, there are conflicts between workers’ unions and the IPA and Ministry of Shipping, and the gulf between them is widening. To address this matter, a meeting of the representatives of the five federations was organised urgently on 11 March 2022 in New Delhi. In this meeting, the federations decided that workers of all ports will organise a one-day symbolic national strike on Tuesday, 5 April 2022, to fulfil workers’ just demands. According to this decision, a meeting of the representatives of all Mumbai port unions was held on 22 March 2022 at P D’mello Bhavan, Carnac Bunder, Mumbai, which was presided over by senior worker leader Adv. SK Shetye. The central government’s anti-worker policies were strongly condemned in this meeting. It was unanimously decided to organise a nationwide symbolic strike on Tuesday, 5 April 2022.

Main demands of the strike:

  1. Bilateral Pay Commission talks should be started immediately.
  2. The adverse effects of the Major Port Authority Act 2019 on ports and workers should be discussed and a solution should be determined.
  3. Pending issues from the previous agreement should be immediately implemented.
  4. Pending arrears of Mumbai port employees/workers and retired workers should be given immediately according to the last wage agreement.
  5. PLR Scheme (bonus) of 2020–21 should be amended immediately.
  6. Ports should not be privatised under the national monetisation policy.
  7. Muring work should not be given to contract workers at Jawahar island.
  8. By filling the financial gap in pension funds, pension should be guaranteed to every pensioner.

We are organising this strike for these important demands. Port workers have achieved better wages, terms of service, retired workers’ benefits, medical facilities, employment, etc. because of their organised power. Discussions should be started on the maintenance of these rights and new pay commission. To wake up the government and ensure workers’ survival, we request you all to participate unitedly and determinedly in the strike and make it successful. Thank you!

Your comrades,

Adv. SK Shetye
Mumbai Port Trust, Dock and General Employees Union

Sudhakar Apraj
General Secretary
Mumbai Port Trust, Dock and General Employees Union

Kishore Kotwal
Transport and Dock Workers Union

Kersi Parekh
General Secretary
Transport and Dock Workers Union

Dr. (Adv.) Suresh Mane
Mumbai Port Trust Workers Union

Uday Chaudhary
Flotilla Workers Association

Sanjivan Thorawade
General Secretary
Mumbai Port Trust SC/ST and OBC Welfare Association (Regd)

Milind Ghankutkar
Mumbai Port Trust Sthaniya Lokadhikaar Samiti

Cheers to the labour force!
Long live workers’ unity!
Against every oppression, our slogan is struggle!



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