Employees of Varanasi’s Loco Factory demanded detailed discussion and dialogue with the officials to remove the apprehensions of the employees arising out of the proposal for a private company to manufacture 12,000 horsepower locomotives


Letter to General Manager by Men’s Congress of DLW, Varanasi


(English translation of letter in Hindi)

Date: 03/06/2022

Madam General Manager
Bareka, Varanasi

Subject: Regarding the production of 800 locomotives with 12,000 horsepower
Reference: NIB notice no. 2022/Elect(Dev)440/5, dated 04/05/2022, issued by the Railway Ministry


I request your attention to the abovementioned subject as Bareka employees have always accomplished the most difficult of targets with their perseverance, mental proficiency and excellent services in the interest of railways and the nation. For the high-quality work done by Bareka workers, Bareka has been awarded as the best production unit several times. At present, an advertisement inviting bids for the production of 800 locos of 12,000 horsepower has been published by the Railway Board. Because of lack of proper communication with the employees, it appears that a unilateral, arbitrary decision has been taken without detailed discussion with the unions, associations, workers’ organisations and staff council members present in Bareka; thus, apprehensions and anger regarding the corporatisation and privatisation of Bareka are rife among employees.

Therefore, we humbly request Madam to have a detailed discussion and dialogue with workers through the unions, associations, organisations and staff council members to remove the apprehensions of employees and maintain industrial peace in the interest of railways and the nation.

Thank you


Rajesh Kumar

Copy to:

  • General Secretary/NFIR, New Delhi



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