Joint Press Release of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Samyukt Kisan Morcha
Press Statement
13th July 2023
Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Samyukt Kisan Morcha to launch joint struggles.
The plan of action will be declared in a Joint Convention on 24th August 2023 at New Delhi
A joint meeting of the Joint platform of Central Trade Unions and Samyukt Kisan Morcha was held today – 13 July 2023 in hybrid mode.
Both the platforms reiterated their resolve to jointly fight against the anti worker anti farmer anti people policies of Modi government.
In addition to the unconditional support and solidarity with the calls of actions of each platforms, the meeting decided to take up a series of joint struggles.
The future course of joint actions will be declared in a joint convention on 24 August 2023 in New Delhi.
Issued by
Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions
Samyukt Kisan Morcha