AIPEF supports Andhra Pradesh power sector workers


Based on information received from Com. Shailendra Dubey, Chairman AIPEF


All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) has declared their unequivocal support to the APSEB Engineers Association and Joint Action Committee of Andhra Pradesh Power Employees who have started their agitation from 27th July.

AIPEF has sent a letter to the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh requesting his intervention to resolve the just demands of Andhra Pradesh Power sector workers. The letter clearly states that in case any employee / engineer is victimized due to agitation then Power Engineers of other States shall not remain silent spectators. The letter also warns the Chief Minister that no power sector engineers from other states will help Andhra Pradesh government to operate the power sector in case Andhra Pradesh power sector workers strike work.

AIPEF has also issued a communique to all its members and office bearers informing them about the agitation and directed them to ensure that “….no engineer from their State is deputed for AP and if deputed shall not report /attend the duties in AP during their present agitation……”

We attach herewith both the documents.

All India Forum Against Privatisation (AIFAP) whole heartedly acknowledges the solidarity extended by AIPEF to the just struggle of Andhra Pradesh power sector workers. All constituents of AIFAP no doubt will extend their support to Andhra Pradesh power sector workers.

An attack on one, is an attack on all!


AIPEF Letter to AP CM 1


AIPEF Letter - AP Power Strike 2



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