Huge protest march by CRMS in Thane on 16 September

“Stop robbing the public, stop the privatisation of railways!”
“Railways belong to the whole country, not to any single person!”
“Long live the unity of railway passengers and workers!”

Report received from Team CRMS, Thane Branch

Comrades, the NFIR has decided to observe the week from 13 to 18 September as a week of protest against the monetisation of Indian Railways.

CRMS, Thane Branch, took out a protest march on 16 September between 2 and 3.30 pm. The march started from the CRMS office and continued to the station master’s office on platform 2, reservation office, booking office, PWI office, IOW office and S&T office, before ending at the ADEN office.

The march was led by CRMS Secretary Shri Suman Kumar ji. President Shri Samar Bahadur Yadav ji, Executive President Shri Rajendra Bandivdekar ji, Treasurer Shri Bajrangi Munilal ji, CRMS Zonal Youth President Shri Ganesh Raj Meena ji, Vice President Shrimati Shobha Sharma ji, Co-Secretary Shri Sandeep Doke ji, Shri Manoj Kavde ji, Thane Branch Youth President Shri Mantosh Mishra ji, Senior Executive Member Shri Dashrath Chakor ji, Shri Chetan Patil ji, Youth Executive Member Shri Pradeep Adsul ji, Shri Dnyaneshwar Gaikar ji, Shri Nilesh Patil ji, Shri Rajveer ji, Shri Bhagwan ji, Shri Rajesh Kushwaha ji, Shri Girish Bhave ji (All India Forum Against Privatisation) and Shri Santosh Kanwar ji as well as active comrades from all departments joined in large numbers the CRMS/NFIR campaign to save railways and demonstrated their unity and strength.

Long live workers’ unity
Long live CRMS

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3 years ago

Great Initiative by the workers and commuters of Thane to raise their voice against privatisation of a very valuable public assets that is railways. Such protest actions must happen at every station in India so that the agenda of privatisation can be defeated. Salute to the people of thane this news must be spread far and wide.