Appeal sent by Com. L Mony, Central Working President, All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA)
Dear Comrades,
In response to the clarion call of the AILRSA, South Zone, 100 of LP and ALP in all grades in South Railway are availing 16 hrs HQ rest+30 hrs PR forcefully. They are taking night rest after continuous 2 nights. They are refusing to continue to be on duty and stopping trains on completion of 10 hrs from sign 0N.
Those who took 16+30 hrs as PR and night rest after two nights were marked the day as absent, but were taken back to duty when they reported to duty after 16+30 hrs rest or after night rest.
One ALP in Mangalore depot of Palghat Div. has been suspended from duty. 5 Running staff of Palghat Div were issued with SFII charge sheet but all refused to receive the charge sheet as per our advice. The agitation started from June 1st and has continued unabated.
All Railways are requested to support the agitation.
L Mony
Central Working President/AILRSA