Massive demonstrations to oppose privatisation of public sector general insurance companies by workers across the country and in Delhi

Report received from Com Trilok Singh, Convenor, JFTU, PSGICS Northern Zone

Dear Comrades,
On the clarion call of Joint forum of trade unions and associations in public sector general insurance companies (PSGICs) Companies, opposing Privatisation and Demanding wage revision for PSGIC companies and to meet out other legitimate demands, massive demonstrations were organised throughout the country.

Comrades, we sincerely salute the entire working class of PSGICS Companies for putting their relentless struggle against privatisation and to meet out the legitimate demands.

Comrades, demonstrations throughout Northern part of India were conducted in a massive way. In Delhi, the demonstration was held before OIC, HO.

Comrades, the entire leadership of JFTU in Delhi headquarters welcomed the All India Delegation of AIIEA in Delhi.

Com K.V.V.S.N.Raju, Vice president of AIIEA and Com Satyanaryan Prashad, President EZGIEA of AIIEA spoke at length about the anti-national, anti-public sector and anti-employees policy of the Modi Govt and in loud voice appealled the struggling employees of PSGICS Companies to carry the struggle before common man. They highlighted the role of PSGICS Companies towards social commitment and nation building.

Com Salil kumar, Com Vishnu Aggrawal, Com Rajeev Ratan Sharma, Com V.K.Tiwari, Com Reena Mishra, and Com Trilok Singh condemned the Modi Govt for selling the national assets of Railway, Defence, Banking, OIL sector, the navratna public sector companies and surrendering before the crony capitalists like Adanis and Ambanis and requested the entire working class of PSGICS Companies to prepare for bigger and united struggles and declared this act of Modi Govt as anti- people and anti-national.

Comrades, we are confident that with our collective wisdom and united  efforts we will intensify the struggle throughout the country in the days to come in the best interest of the PSGI Companies, the country and the citizens at large.

Comradely yours
Trilok Singh
JFTU, PSGICS Northern Zone.



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