Maharashtra electricity workers unitedly oppose the outsourcing of 329 substations of distribution company, Mahavitaran


Letter from the Maharashtra State Electricity Employees, Engineers, Officers Action Committee to the Chairman and Managing Director of Mahavitaran Company

Maharashtra State Electricity Employees, Engineers, Officers Action Committee strongly opposes the tender issued for giving full operation of 329 substations of Mahavitaran on a contractual basis to private contractors.

(Translation of letter in Marathi)

Maharashtra State Electricity Employees, Engineers, Officers Action Committee

Date: 20.01.2025

Hon’ble Chairman and Managing Director,
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company,
Prakashgad, Bandra (east), Mumbai

Subject: The Action Committee strongly opposes the outsourcing of 329 substations of Mahavitaran Company

Reference: Mahavitaran Company tender number CEDIST/FMS/2024-25/T-01 dated 16.12.2024


As mentioned in the above subject and reference, the Chief Engineer (Distribution), Head Office, Prakashgad, has for the first time published a tender of Rs. 5,935.56 lakhs for outsourcing the operation, maintenance, repair, and service provision of 329 substations (22/11, 33/11) built after 01.04.2019, as per the orders of the senior management. The above tender process will allow private contractors to provide human resources and undertake maintenance and operation of 329 substations.

The Action Committee strongly opposes the act of contractualising the approved permanent posts of operators of substations. In meetings with the Action Committee, the Mahavitaran administration has many times promised that the proposal to approve the posts of operators in substations built after 01.04.2019 is in the last stages and will be implemented after approval. Then, why was the decision to outsource 329 substations to private contractors taken suddenly?

Of the approved Grade 1 to 4 categories in Mahavitaran Company, more than 32,000 posts are lying vacant. The Action Committee has frequently demanded the filling up of vacancies to the company administration and the government. Many times, the administration has submitted written minutes stating that vacant posts will be filled immediately. While the process of filling of vacancies is progressing at a snail’s pace, the Action Committee accuses that the administration’s move to outsource the posts of operators is a clear step of privatisation.

By not approving the operator posts in substations built after 01.04.2019 and instead filling these posts on contractual basis, the Mahavitaran Company administration has blocked the possibility of promotion for thousands of workers. The administration should immediately cancel the tender issued for outsourcing substations to private contractors. Similarly, no private contractor or agency should be allowed space for offices or other work inside Mahavitaran Company offices. Otherwise, the Action Committee will be forced to launch an agitation. The administration will be responsible for any industrial unrest caused by the agitation. The administration should take note of this. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Com. Krushna Bhoyar, General Secretary, Maharashtra State Electricity Workers Federation

Shri Arun Piwal, General Secretary, Maharashtra Vij Kamgar Mahasangh

Shri Santosh Khumkar, General Secretary, Subordinate Engineers’ Association

Shri R.T. Devkant, General Secretary, Vidyut Kshetra Tantrik Kamgar Union

Shri Dattatrey Munde, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Vij Kamgar Congress (INTUC)

Shri Premanand Maurya, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Magasvargiya Vidyut Karmachari Sangathan

Shri Haaji Sayyad Jahiroddin, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Vij Tantrik Kamgar Sangathana

Copy to the following for information and appropriate action:

  1. Hon’ble Devendra ji Fadnavis, Chief Minister and Energy Minister, Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai
  2. Hon’ble Upper Chief Secretary (Energy), Government of Maharashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai
  3. Hon’ble Vishwas Pathak, Independent Director, Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Mandal Sutradhari Company, HSBC building, Fort, Mumbai
  4. Hon’ble Director (Operations), Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Vitaran Company, Prakashgad, Bandra (east), Mumbai
  5. Hon’ble Chief Industrial Relations Officer, Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Vitaran Company, Prakashgad, Bandra (east), Mumbai



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