Indigenous 4G technology developed at the cost of BSNL

Message from C. Singh, General Secretary, NFTE

“It is a great news and pleasure to us that the swadeshi 4G system has been tested by our Hon’ble Minister for Communication along with secretary DOT where BSNL high rank managers were also present on the occasion.
The 4G swadeshi equipment have been invented and developed by the TCS and C-Dot.

It is a very good achievement for the country but it has been done at the cost of BSNL.

We hope the losses incurred and to be incurred till its rolling out for BSNL will be compensated by the Union Govt. as even after approval of the Union Cabinet on 23.10.2019 an abnormal delay due to Govt. policy has been faced by the BSNL.

With good wishes for all,
C. Singh, General Secretary, NFTE”

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