Message from Com. Krushna Bhoyar, General Secretary, Maharashtra State Electricity Workers Federation
There is so much difference between the words and deeds of the Hon. PM Narendra Modi. That will be seen again from the agenda decided for the Lok Sabha. Item number 18 the Electricity Amendment Bill 2021 is again going to be put up in the parliament. The National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE), which has been formed by the workers and engineers of the country coming together is going to fight against this bill. Soon a meeting will be held in Delhi.
All the electricity workers’ organisations of Maharashtra had united firmly and made strong preparations for a strike last time. This time too much preparation is necessary. All India Electricity Employees Federation and Maharashtra State Electricity Workers Federation are also going to participate in this strike. The unity of all of you is necessary. That is why I request all of you to participate in a combined meeting and act as per the orders of the NCCOEEE.