Successful state level convention of political parties against LIC’s IPO

Report received from Com. Dharmaraj Mohapatra, Joint Secretary, All India Insurance Employees Association (AIIEA)


Raipur Division Insurance Employees Union
Press release

Tea seller is selling the country today: Bhupesh Baghel.
On the return of agricultural laws, the Chief Minister said that the PM had to eat his words.


Raipur. “In all the PSUs of the country including LIC, it is the money of the common people, laborers, farmers, traders and common employees of the country that is invested. Everyone has to come together to save this. The person raising the slogan of “Desh Nahi Bikne Dunga” (I won’t let our country be sold) is selling all the assets including banks, insurance, steel, coal, railways today. LIC gives strength to the country’s economy and crores of people have faith in it. Selling it is against public sentiments and it is natural to oppose it in a democracy. Recently, Modi ji set an example of “had to eat his words” by withdrawing agricultural laws. The peasant movement which he defamed as anti-national, Khalistani, Pakistani, terrorist, he had to bow before the united strength of the same farmers. We are sure that he will have to bow down for the second time to the might of the insurance workers’ agitation. Mahatma Gandhi had twice visited this historic Anand Samaj reading room in Raipur and from here he intensified the freedom struggle. Today, the convention of insurance workers from this building is raising voice against privatization. This movement has to be taken out of the purview of the union and converted into a movement of insurance holders and general public.”

The said views were expressed by Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel in the state level convention against LIC’s IPO organized by All India Insurance Employees Association at Anand Samaj reading room in the capital today. In this convention, the representatives of major political parties of the state attended and took a pledge to take the ongoing movement against privatization to the masses, criticizing the policies of the Modi government for auctioning the country’s assets including LIC. Addressing the convention by Aam Aadmi Party’s State President Komal Upendi, Communist Party of India State Secretary RDCP Rao, Communist Party of India’s State Secretary Sanjay Parate, and Janata Dal Secular’s State President Manmohan Aggarwal expressed solidarity towards the ongoing struggle to save LIC. State President of Bahujan Samaj Party Hemant Poyam and Samajwadi Party State President Tanveer Ahmed sent congratulatory messages to the convention and opposed the IPO of the country’s most successful and powerful financial institution LIC.

Presiding over the convention, Com. B Sanyal, Vice President, All India Insurance Employees Association said that the public sector is the modern temple of this country but the BJP government is selling these temples only. There is a strong protest against the sale of the country’s assets. LIC has used the wealth of the nation for nation building and has connected 400 million policyholders, which is more than the population of many countries. Presenting the main resolution of the convention, Com. Dharamraj Mohapatra, Joint Secretary of All India Insurance Employees Association said that the indiscriminate campaign of privatization started in the name of liberalization is fatal. After independence, the Congress governments had established public and nationalized industries. Modi government is completely selling it. Earlier, BJP’s Bajpai government had ended the monopoly of LIC and GIC in the field of life insurance and general insurance in the country and made IRDA law with 26 percent FDI. Giving a detailed mention of the achievements of LIC, he called upon the general public to come forward to protect all the nationalized industries including LIC. The main resolution was passed unanimously at the end of the convention.

The convention was conducted by Surendra Sharma, General Secretary, RDIEU. Insurers also presented public songs on the occasion. The convention ended with the vote of thanks presented by the President of RDIEU, Alexander Tirkey.








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