“Bank Bachao Desh Bachao” nation-wide yatra by AIBOC

Report received from Shri Soumya Datta, General Secretary, AIBOC

The All India Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC) organised a nation-wide yatra which reached Delhi on 30 November and culminated into a meeting. The objective of the yatra was to make public aware of the harmful effects of bank nationalisation on people.


The All India Bank Officers Confederation (AIBOC) organised a nation-wide yatra which reached Delhi on 30 November and culminated into a meeting at Jantar Mantar. The objective of the yatra was to make public aware of the harmful effects of bank nationalisation on people. Trade unions and farmers joined the meeting to extend their support to the fight against bank privatisation.

One group began yatra in Kolkata and another in Mumbai on 24 November and covered Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. When the yatra reached Kanpur on 28 November, a meeting was organised there. The meeting was addressed by the General Secretary of the AIBOC, Shri Soumya Datta who pointed out that the failure of private banks was one of the primary reasons for the nationalisation of banks. Privatisation of banks will push the country behind economically. The meeting was conducted by Shri Arvind Dwedi, Regional Secretary of State Bank of India Officers Association and attended by Shri Pavan Kumar, Senior Vice President of AIBOC, Shri Sundar Shyam Bhatia, President, State Bank of India Officers Association, Kanpur besides others.

Meeting at Kanpur

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