Hunger Fast Programme by All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA) at Waltair

Report from Com. A.Bholanath, Divisional Secretary, AILRSA/WAT.



AILRSA/VSKP organised Hunger Fast Programme in front of DRM/WAT Office on 8 Decmber 2021 from 09:00 hours to 17:00 hours. In this program Com. R.V.S. Kumar/ CITU, Com. Kumar Mangalam/PSU Co-Convenor, Com. Jyothiswar Rao/PSU Convenor, Com. R.V.S.S.Rao/ E.Co.RSU Zonal President, Com. V.Narsinga Rao/E.Co.RSU Divisional Coordinator participated and extend their support and addressed the gathering. Com. S.K.Choube/ General Secretary/E.Co.Railway observed Hunger Fast from Dusk to Dawn along with the following leaders of AILRSA/WAT: Com. BVSVRaju, Com. B.Chakraborty, Com. G.Kanna Rao, Com. M.Chinnodu, Com. S.S.Rao, Com. MA Navin Kumar and others. Com. G.S.Rajeswar Rao/CITU addressed the gathering and finally gave the orange juice to all the running staff who observed the Hunger Fast and concluded the programme. Finally a memorandum was submitted to the DRM/WAT and Sr.DEE/OP/WAT.



Upload.AILRSA memorandum to rail authorities
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