Work Boycott by all Jammu & Kashmir Power Employees and Engineers for their four-point demands

Electricity employees across the country to demonstrate in their support on 20 December 2021 – NCCOEEE

Reports from Shri Shailendra Dubey, President, All India Power Engineers Federation

2nd Report:

Strike is total in J&K, started from 17-18 Dec midnight. Major parts of J&K are under dark due to failure of power supply in the absence of Power Employees & Engineers. Morale of Power Employees is very high and they are firmly united. There is power strike for the first time in the history of J&K.

Yesterday night police raids were conducted at the residences of core leaders of coordination committee which included residence of Er. Sachin Tickoo, GS Engineers Association and Sri Jayapal Sharma, Chairman of Coordination Committee.

Several rounds of meetings with the Chairman & MD so far have failed. Govt officials are evading to come to the table. The situation is alarming.

Power Engineers & Employees Coordination Committee has already given a call for MASS COURT ARREST in case any employee is arrested anywhere in the State.

NCCOEEE emergency online meeting was held today. NCCOEEE has decided that demonstrations will be held across the country on 20th December to support J&K Power Employees. Memorandum shall be mailed to J&K authorities on 20th December.

Inquilab Zindabad.

1st Report:

Today I reached Jammu to support the Power Employees and Engineers coordination committee which is on a peaceful protest of Work Boycott for fulfilment of four-point demands. Instead of coming with a resolution of the issues, the Government today cited termination and dismissal, without any reasons.

In this regards it has been decided by the coordination committee that if any employee is arrested or any punitive action is taken against any Employee, the nearly 21000 power employees and engineers from Jammu and Kashmir, both regions, shall be forced to offer mass court arrest in the district headquarters the responsibility of which shall lie on government. We are on peaceful agitation and we are averse to inconvenience to consumers; however. the Govt should come up with sincerity.

All the states must be on alert and all state associations should remain prepared for taking up the fight in case the demands are not met and any untoward action is taken against the JK Power Employees.

Inquillab Zindabad



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