Teachers of Maharashtra to participate in All India strike


Message from Co-convenor of CCTOB

To all Coordination Committee of Teachers Organizations of Bombay (CCTOB) leaders


The following eight leaders of the CCTOB attended the Samanvay Samiti meeting held on Sunday, January 23: Shri Satish Inamdar, Dr. Mrs Tapati Mukhopadhyay, Prof Mukund Andhalkar, Shri Nanasaheb Punde, Dr. Madhu Paranjape, Smt. Jyoti Gandhi, Shri Sudhakar Tiwari and Theckedath.

Shri Anil Dagde, President of the Rajya Sarkari Karmachari Madhyavarti Sanghatana, was in the Chair.

Shri Vishwasrao Katkar, Secretary and Convener of the Samanvay Samiti, officially moved a resolution that the Samanvay Samiti and all its units should take part in the two days’ all India strike on 23,24 February. The entire background and demands were given in a Marathi statement which was circulated. Please see this statement below.

In all, 13 members including six CCTOB leaders spoke on the resolution, all supporting the proposal. The resolution was then adopted by voting. The voting was unanimously supporting the strike.

So, we the teachers from KG to PG are in the All India strike!
Request to all unit Secretaries:

All secretaries of the units of the CCTOB are requested to fix meetings of their Executive Committed before the first week of February and plan their visits and the circulars/ handbills to be brought out to make this strike a total success.

The first demand is regarding the OPS, and other demands are about promotions and the regularization of temporary and contractual appointments.

Let us make this strike fully successful and send a message to the State Govt. and the Union Govt.

With greetings,
Theckedath, Co-convener, CCTOB.


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