Policy of indigenization used to throttle BSNL and support private telecom operators

By Mr. G.L.Jogi, ex-General Secretary, SNEA (Sanchar Nigam Executive Association) and General Secretary , SNPWA ( Sanchar Nigam Pensioners Welfare Association)

The government has nakedly double standard in regard to the so-called policy of promoting indigenization of Telecom Sector, vociferously advocated by NITI Aayog. The policy is, however, forced by the Govt. only on BSNL, but not on private telecom companies.

The thrust towards bringing in indigenization, particularly in Telecom Sector, by CEO of NITI Aayog has been outrightly and vehemently rejected by the private telecom companies.

While in the name of indigenization, DOT sometime back decided to push for adoption of the local 5G standard, called the 5GI, DOT was finally forced to retrack its so called indigenization step of 5G following the stiff resistance and opposition from private telecom companies. The Govt. caved in as usual meekly to the vested interest of Private Telecom Companies and abandoned the indigenization of 5G altogether.

Telecommunications Standards Development Society India (TSDSI), in the wake of mounting and unrelenting opposition from Private Telecom Companies, directed TEC, under the fold of DOT, not to proceed ahead with the adoption of indigenization 5GI tag as a National Standard for fifth generation Telecom technology. TSDSI in a statement also informed that it will continue to follow global 5G Standards as against local Standards, saying good bye to indigenous 5GI tag.

In stark Comparison, the decision of BSNL to purchase 4G equipment from international (European) vendors was spurned and set aside summarily by DOT at the intervention of Amitabh Kant, CEO NITI Aayog, in the name of farce of indigenization and the tender of BSNL was cancelled in a calibrated and fallacious move to promote indigenization. even though no proven 4G indigenous equipment is available. Yet, in a clear move to drive last nail in the coffin of BSNL, BSNL has been directed to procure indigenous 4G equipment. The net result is that BSNL continues to sink in the name of so called fabricated and motivated move of the Govt. in the name of Indigenization. The Govt’s farce and dubious move to finish BSNL are getting exposed and so is Niti Ayog’s hollow and farce of indigenization.


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