Report received from Sanjeev Mehrotra, General Secretary, Bareilly Trade Union Federation
Employees will only vote for a party that will work to defeat the ruling party, restore the old pension, remove unemployment, stop the privatisation of public sector units, make contract employees permanent and end the harassment of employees.
Employees will vote with the intention of changing the regime
The Bareilly Trade Union Federation organised a Google Meet at 12 pm on 30th January to consult with the members of the organisation.
Federation President Sunil Jain observed silence for 2 minutes on the martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi. He said that we employees should increase our political understanding so that no one can mislead us and take our vote.
While conducting the meeting, General Secretary Sanjeev Mehrotra said that the present government has an anti-worker attitude due to which the exploitation of employees is increasing. He expressed concern over rising unemployment and expressed his anger over the lathi charge on youth by the police in Allahabad and Patna.
Federation Vice President Dhyan Chandra Maurya said that this government has taken away the rights of common people, so we all have to take a pledge to remove this government together.
Deputy General Secretary Geeta Shant said that the issue of restoration of old pension is important and we will have to vote for a political party that announces the restoration of old pension.
United Forum convener Dinesh Saxena said that employees have lost their confidence in the UP government, it is time for change and we all need to vote against capitalism.
During the Google Meet, all speakers were united, and they unanimously decided that employees will only vote for a party that will work to defeat the ruling party, restore the old pension, remove unemployment, stop the privatisation of public sector units, make contract employees permanent and end the harassment of workers.
In today’s Google Meet, Shri PK Maheshwari, Arvind Dev, Har Govind, P Kalra, Jitendra Mishra, Ashish Kumar, Aamir Khan, Avtar Singh, Mahesh Gangwar Shailendra, Ranjan Mohale, Ravindra Kumar and Amit Singh also expressed their views.