LIC workers will do massive dharna at Jantar Mantar, Delhi on 5th March 2022 against LIC IPO


Message from Joint Front of LIC employees and officers



The Joint Front met at Hyderabad today to discuss issues relating to the industry and the employees and chalk out programmes of action to meet the challenges.

The meeting was critical that the government was going ahead with the IPO of LIC despite strong opposition from the workforce and the people at large. The meeting decided to intensify the agitation against LIC IPO. It was decided to organise a massive Dharna at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on 5th March 2022 (Saturday) against the IPO of LIC.

The meeting decried the inordinate delay on the part of the LIC management to give solutions to long pending issues of the employees like Restoration of the Increments deferred due to participation in Strike, Improvement in Family Pension, Restoration of ACL etc. The meeting took strong exception to the fact that LIC management was not taking the stakeholders into confidence despite repeated requests of the Joint Front. The meeting therefore decided to hold Joint Demonstrations during lunch recess on 3rd March 2022 (Thursday) on the demand of immediate resolution of the pending issues through meaningful discussion.

We request the employees and officers all over the country to prepare in a big way for making these programmes of action successful.

Detailed Circular follows.

S. Rajkumar (Fedn. of Cl. I Officers Assns.)
Vivek Singh (NFIFWI)
Shreekant Mishra (AIIEA)
Rajesh Kumar (AILICEF)



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