Report on Political-Economic Developments

Presented by Com. Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary, AITUC at the AITUC General Council Meeting held from 5th to 7th February 2022 at Hyderabad, Telangana

“We the trade unions have to continue in breaking this cycle of Nazistyle fear psychosis being created by the ruling regime with motive to stifle any voices of opposition.”

“The agitations have to be more extensive in the coming days in the background of continued attacks on the working class, the farmers and other weaker sections of the society. (as evident from the budget)”

“There is need for thorough campaign to expose the policies of RSS- BJP and prepare for the strike action of 28th -29th March a stepping stone to oust this anti national government.”


Upload.Amarjeet Kaur speech,English, at AITUC GENERAL COUNCIL-meeting Feb 2022
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