4 Lakh Defence Civilian employees to stage massive demonstration on the days of Nationwide General Strike on 28th and 29th March 2022


Message from Shri C. Srikumar, General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation (AIDEF)


Dear Comrades,

We are forwarding herewith AIDEF Special Circular No. 32 dated 01st of March, 2022 on the following subject:

  1. Nationwide General Strike!!
    – 28th and 29th March 2022 against the anti-people and anti-working class policies of the present Government!!
    – 4 Lakhs Defence Civilian employees to stage Massive demonstration on both the days demanding:
    > Withdraw the draconian EDSA 2021
    > Withdraw the Corporatisation of Ordnance Factories and restore the status of Ordnance Factories as Government Organisation
    > Withdraw the NPS and restore the Old Pension Scheme
    > Withdraw the Anti-worker Labour Codes
    > Withdraw GOCO Model in EME and DRDO
    > Ensure Trade Union Rights to all the Defence Civilian Employees
    > Settle all the pending demands of employees of Ordnance Factories, MES, DRDO, Navy, EME, AOC, Air Force, DGQA, DGAQA and all Army Directorates under MOD
    > Release the 18 Months DA / DR arrears
    > Ensure 100% Compassionate Appointment
    > Stop Privatization and out sourcing and fill up all vacancies
    > Settle all Cadre review proposals
  2. Start preparations for successfully and effectively observing the two days demonstration in support of the Nationwide General Strike.
  3. Meeting with DG (Pers.) MES on 02.03.2022.
  4. Secretary Staff Side NC-JCM represents two important issues to the Government.
  5. AIDEF requests Secretary Staff Side NC-JCM to represent to the Department of Pension for settling the Anomalies in the commutation of Pension.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,

General Secretary
Mobile : 09444080885



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