All India Federation of Electricity Employees (AIFEE) passes a resolution against the draconian Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2021 and stand against privatization of the India power sector.


Resolution letter passed by the All India Federation of Electricity Employees

The central government has been trying to amend the Electricity Act 2003 for the benefits of the private entrepreneurs, corporate houses and franchisee companies. All the power workers’ unions & engineers’ associations have decided to go on two days strike on 28th and 29th March 2022 against the policy of the central government to privatize all public sectors including coal, power, etc. The N. C. C. O. E. E. in it’s meeting held on 17th February 2022 unanimously endorsed the decision of observing two days strike on 28th and 29th March 2022. The office bearers meeting of AIFEE in Lucknow also unanimously decided to go on and join the all India general strike of the power workers.


upload.AIFEE2 circular



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