Trade Union Joint Action Committee (TUJAC) of Maharashtra gives a call to make 28th and 29th March nationwide strike a grand success!


TUJAC and its constituents are carrying out a campaign calling upon workers from organized and unorganized sectors to participate actively in the nationwide strike on 28th and 29th March 2022. We are giving below English translation of the leaflet issued by TUJAC in Marathi.


Trade Union Joint Action Committee (TUJAC)

(Maharashtra State)

Let us make the 28th and 29th March 2022 nation-wide strike, against anti-worker policies of Modi government and for demand of cancelling the four labour codes, a big success.

Main demands

  1. Central government must cancel four labour codes which it passed in parliament after nullifying 21 labour laws.
  2. Electricity Act Amendment bill must be shelved.
  3. Privatisation of public sector enterprises in any manner should not be done and government must cancel the national disinvestment policy.
  4. Families which do not pay income tax must be given Rs.7,500/- worth food and income.
  5. MNAREGA should be allotted more funds and it should be expanded to include urban areas.
  6. Universal social security must be extended to cover all workers working in informal sector.
  7. Anganwadi, ASHA, Mid-day scheme and other scheme workers must be paid legal minimum wages and must be provided with social security.
  8. Frontline workers who serve the people during pandemic must be given adequate protection and must be covered under insurance.
  9. For revival of national economy, more taxes like property tax etc. should be collected from super-rich class and more investment should be done in agriculture, education, health and other important public services.
  10. Central excise duty on petroleum products should be reduced and other measures should be taken to stop any further increase in the prices of petroleum products.
  11. Contract workers must be regularised and equal pay for equal work should be ensured.
  12. NPS should be cancelled and old pension scheme should be revived.
  13. Policies leading to increasing unemployment must be cancelled and employment generation oriented policies must be implemented.
  14. Increase in prices of Gas, Diesel and other essential commodity price rise must be arrested.
  15. Commercialisation of education must be stopped, good quality and free education system must be implemented. New education policy should be cancelled.

For above demands a nationwide strike has been called on 28th and 29th March 2022.

Let us make it a grand success!

INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, NTUI, BKSM, AICCTU, AIUTUC, TUCI, KEC, TDF, BUCTU, AIBEA, AIBOA, IDBI, AIIEA, AILICEF, GIEAIA, BPT, Railways, Transport Unions, Municipal Workers, Contract Workers, Shramik Ekta Mahasangh, State government employees federation and other organisations of workers



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