Singareni Retired Employees Association Hyderabad fully supports the two-day strike and calls upon Singareni workers to take part in the strike and make it a success


Report received from Com. A. Venu Madhav, Vice President, Singareni Retired Employees Association, Hyderabad


Singareni workers should take part in the strike on March 28 and 29 to protest against the anti-labour policies of the central government, and to demand not to privatize state-owned enterprises, not to sell public sector assets in the name of monetization pipeline, not to repeal 44 labour laws and not to privatize coal mines.

Coal retirees support the demands of allotment of blocks to Singareni K, abolition of CPS and implementation of old pension scheme, increase in salaries of scheme workers, abolition of contract outsourcing and regularization, reduction of prices of essential commodities, increase in EPF, CMPF interest rates, etc. They also demand increase in the pension, payment of medical expenses of the retired employees’ Medicare cards unlimitedly, apply the gratuity ceiling of Rs 20 lakh from January 2017, give double bedroom houses to Singareni retired employees, give concessions on state road transport company buses, etc.

The Singareni Retired Employees Union fully supports the two-day strike.

Singareni Retired Employees Association President Dandamraju Ramchander Rao, Secretary Bhupelli Banaiah, Advisor T. Umakar, Vice President A.Venu madhav, Treasurer M.Vijaya babu participated.



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