Maharashtra electricity workers, officers and engineers reiterate their resolve to strike work on 28th and 29th March


After a very successful rally at Azad Maidan, Mumbai on 9th March 2022, the Government of Maharashtra has still not moved an inch towards fulfilling its promise of stopping privatisation of the power sector. Hence the Maharashtra State Electricity Workers, Officers and Engineers Sangharsh Samiti has declared their resolve to strike work on 28th and 29th March.



(English translation of the joint statement issued by the Sangharsh Samiti in Marathi)

Maharashtra State Electricity Workers, Officers, Engineers Sangharsh Samiti

17th March 2022

Joint statement

All Brothers and Sisters of the Sangharsh Samiti,

On 9th March, agitation organized by the Maharashtra State Electricity Workers, Officers and Engineers Sangharsh Samiti at the historic Azad Maidan in Mumbai, was a success due to the cooperation and participation of all of you. As a result the government had to bow down. Even though Maharashtra Minister of State for Power, the Honorable Prajakt Tanpure came to the agitation and promised that the power sector of Maharashtra will not be privatized, there has not been any meeting or discussion at the state government level or management level on the various other points we have mentioned in our notice given to the government.

This means that government and management is forcing us to go ahead with our strike call on 28th and 29th March 2022. In an online meeting of the leading office bearers of the Sangharsh Samiti held on 16th March, it was unanimously decided not to withdraw our strike call till discussions are held with us on all our demands and till all the demands are accepted. It was also decided to go ahead with vigorous preparation for the strike. It was also decided that on 22nd and 25th March meetings should be held at all generation stations, zones and sub-zones and administrative offices. The Sangharsh Samiti is accordingly humbly requesting all the local office bearers of its constituents to organize vigorous gate meetings at all locations jointly with contract workers and their organizations. We shall organize strike on 28th and 29th March and also humbly request you not to pay heed to any rumours to the contrary.

Yours faithfully,

Signed by the following representatives and office bearers of the organisations:

  1. Com. Krushna Bhoyar, General Secretary, Maharashtra State Electricity Workers Federation
  2. Shri Sanjay Thakur, General Secretary, Subordinate Engineers Asssociation
  3. Shri R T Devkant, General Secretary, Vidyut Kshetra Tantrik Kamgar Union
  4. Shri Saiyyad Zahiroddin, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Veej Tantrik Kamgar Union
  5. Shri Rajan Bhanushali, President, Veej Karmachari Abhiyanta Sena Union
  6. Shri Dattatray Gutte, Principal General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Veej Kamgar Congress (INTUC)
  7. Shri P B Uke, President, Swabhimani Vidyut Workers Union
  8. Shri Suyog Zhute, General Secretary, Graduate Engineers Association
  9. Shri Sanjay Khade, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Adhikari Sanghatana
  10. Shri Nachiket More, Secretary General, Power Front
  11. Shri M S Sharikmaslat, Working President, Maharashtra Rashtravadi Veej Kamgar (Congress)
  12. Shri Rakesh Jadhav, President, Maharashtra Navnirman Kamgar Sena
  13. Shri Navnath N Pawar, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Operators Sanghatana
  14. Shri Shivaji Vayphalkar, President, Bahujan Vidyut Abhiyanta Adhikari va Karmachari Forum
  15. Shri Sitaram Chavan, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Veej Nirmiti Kamgar Sanghatana
  16. Shri Rajan Shinde, General Secretary, Bahujan Power Karmachari Sanghatana
  17. Shri Damodar Changole, General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Veej Kamgar Federation (INTUC)
  18. Shri Pravin Varma, General Secretary, MSEB Karyalayeen Adhikari Karmachari Sanghatana
  19. Shri Anil Tarale, Regional General Secretary, Maharashtra Rajya Vidyut Shramik Congress
  20. Shri R D Rathod, President, Rashtriya Veej Drivers & Cleaners Association
  21. Shri Nagorao Parate, General Secretary, Aadim Karmachari Sanghatana
  22. Shri Mukund Hanvate, General Secretary, Chathurta Shreni Vidyut Kamgar Sanghatana
  23. Shri Sopan T Ingole, President, Su. Va. Da. Vibhag Adhikari Sanghtana (A)
  24. Shri Rajuali Mulla, General Secretary, Electricity Line Staff Association
  25. Shri S K Lokhande, President, Maharashtra Rajya Swatantra Bahujan Veej Karmachari Sanghatana
  26. Shri Rajendra H Nikam, General Secretary, Padvi / Padvika Association
  27. Shri Prabhakar Lahane, General Secretary, Tantrik Kamgar Union




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