AILRSA/ E. Co. Railway organised the Zonal demonstration on 21.03.2022 at Bhubaneswar against the trolley bag and for their 17-point charter of demands, including stopping the privatisation and corporatisation of railways

Report from Com. A. Bholanath, Divisional Secretary, AILRSA/WAT


AILRSA/E.Co. Railway (All India Loco Running Staff Association / East Coast Railway) organised the Zonal demonstration program on 21.03.2022 from 10:00 hours onwards in front of the General Manager’s Office at Bhubaneswar, Rail Sadan as per the decision of the CWC (Central Working Committee of the AILRSA).

A huge gathering from all branches of the E.Co. Railway zone participated and everyone registered their anguish against the RB order for issuing Trolley Bag or allowance and loco tools to the Crew & Guard. They also strongly supported the 17-point Charter of Demands of the AILRSA among which stopping the Privatisation & Corporatisation of Railways is the main demand.

As a part of the CWC program, AILRSA conducted a signature campaign supporting the 17-point Charter of Demands at all crew lobbies for the last two months and thus a huge number of signatures were registered by three divisions LP, LPS & ALPs.

More than 2500 Staff of the three divisions WAT, KUR and SBP signed on the Joint Appeal and the same was submitted to CRB/CEO Railway Board through GM/E.Co Railway.

AILRSA/E.Co. Railway delegation comprising of three divisions Representatives Com. A. Bholanath/DS/WAT, Com. Anjan Sahoo/CWC member/KUR & Com. Suna Sukaantho/JDS/SBP met with the PCPO/E.Co. Railway and submitted the Representation. The PCPO/E.Co. Railway discussed on all our demands and assured that he will discuss our demands with the concerned authorities positively. We requested him to look into filling up of running staff vacancies than he said that the CRB issued orders to fill up of all the vacancies of running staff immediately, ordered on this day date: 21.03.2022. So, PCPO/BBS assured that all vacancies of the running staff will be filled up immediately. On the issues of MGK, Long Hours working, Trolley Bag/Loco tools, CLIs selection in KUR in an improper manner, Medical decategorised running staff to be posted by enhancing 30% PE etc. PCPO/BBS assured that he will positively discuss our demands with the concerned authorities immediately for solving them.



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