Report received from Com. Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra
The 10th All India Conference of BSNL Employees Union (BSNLEU) started at Guwahati on 2nd April 2022 and will end on 4th April. Com. Hemlata, President CITU inaugurated the session. Com. Elami, Union Leader from Turkstan (Telecom) was special Guest.
The following Senior Comrades from BSNLEU and other Unions participated:
- Com. VAN Namboodiri, EX General Secretary (GS), BSNLEU
- Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU
- Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS, National Federation of Telecom Engineers (NFTE)
- Com Sebastian, GS, Sanchar Nigam Executives Association (SNEA)
- Com Veerbhadra, President, All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA)
- Com Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS.
And other leaders.