Support the struggle of workers and people to save the Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, an asset of people


By Laxmi S., Lok Raj Sangathan


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing this letter regarding the representation by 120 MPs to the Prime Minister for reconsidering the decision of privatisation of Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant and the earlier article on the heroic struggle of the people to save it from privatisation.

Thank you for the support to the struggle of workers and people and for summing up learnings from such an inspiring struggle.

The central government was so determined to privatize the steel plant. But so were the workers to oppose the privatization. They courageously kept the struggle going. They gathered support from all the people and built steel-like unity.

They have demonstrated persistence. The workers have been on a relay hunger strike for more than 300 days. Their struggle has gradually built up. It’s only getting stronger.

They united everyone fighting against privatization and made them part of their struggle, the struggle of all toiling people. They have shown the importance of involving consumers, family/friends, women, and youth. They formed a 10 km long human chain involving 10,000 people, and that is just wonderful! The slogan that the steel plant is an asset belonging to all the people is etched in the people’s minds.

They’ve forced even the political leaders into taking a stand against privatization. And they know that this fight is not just against one particular party in power or the other. But it is us, people, against the offensive of the capitalist class.

The central government has been trying to privatize the steel plant since last year. The cabinet has given its approval. But the people haven’t. So, it couldn’t happen. We actually can stop privatization.

This shows the power in the unity of people, and this is also why the capitalist class works so hard to keep us all divided.

The workers have risen above all the differences between the unions, organizations, and party affiliations and have come together in one united struggle. Behind all those names, the unions, federations, and associations, we are just people fighting together to save what is rightfully ours.

More power to their heroic struggle!


– Laxmi S.
(Lok Raj Sangathan)

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