Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI) decides to observe All India Demands Day on 12th May


BEFI circular to all its units after office bearers meeting


Bank Employees Federation of India
53 Radha Bazar Lane, Kolkata – 700 001


6th April 2022

Circular No.17/2022

To all Units, Affiliates, OBs, CC & GC Members


Dear Comrade,

Office Bearers Meeting

A meeting of the Office Bearers was held on 5th April 2022 at Hyderabad, Telangana. The meeting was presided over by Com C J Nandakumar, President of our Federation.

At the outset, silence was observed to pay tribute to Com Mallu Swarajyam, the legendary leader of the left movement of the country.

Many important issues were discussed in the meeting on which the office bearers expressed their views and suggestions. The following decisions were taken in the meeting.

Countrywide General Strike on 28-29 March 2022: The meeting expressed great satisfaction on success of the strike in banking sector all over the country. The meeting also acknowledged support and solidarity extended among others by AIBOC, INBOC, AIRBEA, AIRBWF, AINBEA, Samyukta Kisan Morcha, World Federation of Trade Unions. The meeting condemned repressive attitude of the Governments of Telangana and West Bengal. In West Bengal, the police on first day of the strike took to their custody some of our and AIBEA members who were peacefully picketing in front of a circle office of a bank and detained them for hours in the police station. In protest, massive protest demonstration was organised on 1st April by the UFBU of the concerned district with submission of Memorandum to the concerned management.

The meeting decided that our opposition to the neo liberal policies of the government should continue.

11th National Conference: As per extant constitutional provision, the National Conference is to be held once in every four years. The meeting discussed about holding the 11th Conference and decided to take necessary initiative in this regard so that the same can be held within due time.

Organisation: The meeting discussed about the functioning of different state units which are showing weaknesses. Some decisions to initiate corrective measures have been taken to improve functioning of these units.

It was further decided that an extended General Council meeting of our Federation will be held within June this year to discuss on Organisation at length and our West Bengal Unit has consented to host the meeting. On this occasion, a meeting of our Women sub-committee will also be held.

The meeting discussed about assimilation process and ongoing Conferences in the restructured entities. The meeting further emphasised that Conferences of our affiliates and Units that could not be held due to pandemics should now be held as early as possible.

Ashis Sen Birth Centenary: The meeting took note of observance of the Centenary by our units and affiliates so far. All other units and affiliates were once more suggested to take necessary initiatives in the matter. The office bearers were apprised of the preparations taken by BEFI News sub-committee in publishing special issue to commemorate the birth Centenary of Com Ashis Sen.

40 years of BEFI: 40 years of historical formation of BEFI is going to be concluded in October this year. It was decided that to commemorate the occasion, a National level Seminar will be organised at Kolkata along with publication of a booklet focussing of BEFI’s contributions to the bank employees’ as well as democratic movement of the country.

Recruitment vis-à-vis customer service: The office bearers were concerned to note inadequate manpower, particularly in workmen cadre, in branches/offices causing increased workload on SWOs and employees in subordinate staff cadre. This inadequate workforce is having adverse effects on customer service which is creating serious displeasure among customers and not addressed by the managements.

The meeting decided to observe All India Demands Day on 12th May 2022 by displaying posters/banners and wearing badges with demands of adequate recruitment in workmen cadre and to ensure smooth customer service in all bank branches. Further communication on this will be communicated in due course.


With greetings,
Yours comradely,
(Debasish Basu Chaudhury)



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