AITUC demands scrapping of New Pension Scheme and restoration of Old Pension Scheme for both central and state government employees

Resolution passed at 42nd National Conference of AITUC

Resolution demanding for scrapping the no guarantee New Pension Scheme, NPS (National Pension System) and to restore the old pension scheme to both the Central Government and State Government Employees!

The 42nd National conference of AITUC held at Alappuzha, Kerala from the 16th to 20th of December 2022 has taken a very serious note of the sufferings of the Central Government Employees and State Government employees who are governed under the New Pension Scheme (National Pension System) and who have started now retiring from service. Despite the contribution of 10% of the wages by the employees and 14% especially in the case of Central Government employees by the Government, the affected employees on retirement are getting only a paltry pension of Rs. 2000 to Rs. 4000 per month, whereas if the same employees is governed under the defined and guaranteed old pension scheme they must have received Rs.15,000 to Rs.30,000 as monthly pension apart from other benefits like Dearness Relief, 40% computation and restoration of the computed portion after 15 years and increase of pension by 20% after 80 years age etc. None of these benefits are available to the employees governed under the New Pension Scheme.

Considering the sufferings of the NPS employees 4 state Governments have already withdrawn NPS and have restored the old pension scheme for their employees. However, it is unfortunate that the BJP Government at the centre and some of the state governments are not accepting the demand of the employees to withdraw the NPS.

The 42nd National Conference of AITUC urges upon the Government of India and the various state Governments to immediately scrap the NPS and to restore the old pension scheme, since in accordance with the Supreme Court judgment pension is not a bounty, not an ex-gratia and not a gift at the sweet will of the employer. Pension is a fundamental right of the Government employees. The AITUC calls upon the employees of Central Government and state Governments and also their trade unions to relentlessly fight against the no guarantee NPS and AITUC will extend all support and solidarity to the Government employees in their justified struggle for their old age security.

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