Message by Dr Ch Sankara Rao General Secretary South Central Railway Mazdoor Union (SCRMU) & Treasurer All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF)
Multi-Millionaires with business empires are enjoying the money earned by the employees & workers by their hard work.
No share for workers who produced profits except meagre wages (NO minimum wages implementation in many states of our Country).
Privatisation and Outsourcing is Govt policy.
Selling public sector, government land and other assets is today’s Monetization policy.
This is justice rendered by the Govt. to the common man, Employees and workers in our country! Taxes are paid by the middle class, poor and freebies given to rich by governments.
Government is giving subsidies to the rich by way of reduced taxes, low interest loans by banks, free land or land at subsidised rates, free Electricity and free water for their growth to earn more profits and taxing us more and more. It has become a routine affair for government in our country.
Money paid by Employees & workers through NPS are given to big industrialists for their running their business.
Pension to elected MLAs but no guaranteed pension for employees.
These are the laws made by our representative MLAs and MPs.
When Pension is a right for MLAs and MPs, why not Guaranteed Pension our right?
Say loudly Pension is our Right
Down with NPS
OPS is our Right
Know that our fight is surely to win 50%last pay as pension.
Dr Ch Sankara Rao
GS SCRMU & Treasurer AIRF