Essential Defence Services Act 2021 is an attack on entire working class


At the monthly meeting of the All India Forum Against Privatisation on 5 September, Com. Girish Bhave, Joint Secretary, Kamgar Ekta Committee (KEC) made a presentation on ‘Essential Defence Services Act 2021 is an attack on entire working class’, The presentation is enclosed for the information of readers who could not attend the meeting.

EDS Act 2021



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3 years ago

Rights like the right to strike have been achieved after years and years of workers’ struggles. However, the government has taken away our hard-won rights simply by passing a law! It is clear that the anti-worker EDSA is only in favour of the capitalists involved in the defence sector. What kind of a system is this where the government can make laws without consulting with the citizens?

This is a lesson for us: we must remember that our fights and successes are at the mercy of the capitalist ruling class which can always make new laws to take away our rights. That is why, our real fight is against the capitalist system! We will be truly victorious only when we overthrow the capitalist system and establish people’s rule.