Government used the pretext of Covid pandemic to snatch rights of workers

Report by KEC correspondent

The time was ripe for all of us to work very hard against the capitalist system and for an alternate political system, which will be pro-people – Comrade Amarjit Kaur, General Secretary, All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)


On the 13th and 14th January, in a meeting of Kerala State Employees Union, Comrade Amarjit Kaur of AITUC said that under the pretext of Covid pandemic, the government snatched the rights of workers and served interest of the big corporates. The Covid pandemic has exposed the system of capitalist exploitation all over the world, including India. Only in few countries like in Cuba, the Government had put all its energies in protecting the people and fighting the pandemic whereas the big corporates the world over did not care about the people and multiplied their profits. Indian Government used the National Disaster Management Act to restrict the workers’ rights and did not use it for the welfare of the people. This resulted in widening further the gap between the rich and the poor. During this time the Govt. announced special packages for the corporates. The Government is selling the public assets to the corporates and they are not sparing even the education sector.

Comrade Amarjit Kaur said that the time was ripe for all of us to work very hard against the capitalist system and for an alternate political system, which will be pro-people.

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