Singareni Collieries Workers Union (AITUC) submitted charter of 15 demands for immediate redressal including the demand for cancellation of auction of Singareni coal blocks to private parties


Report by Com. A Venu Madhav, AITUC


Com. Kunamneni Sambashiva Rao, Honourable President, Com. Vasireddy Seetaramaiah General Secretary, Com. Miriyala Ramaiah Additional General Secretary, Dy. Gen.Secretiries, Com. K. Raj Kumar, Com. Y.V. Rao, Com. Shaik Baji Saida, Com. K. Veerabhadraiah, Advisor D.Sheshaiah, Central Secretary Cpm. Vanga Venkat, Central Vice-president L. Prakash and all branch secretaries participated in the programme.



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