Message of Er Shailendra Dubey, Chairman and Er P.Rathnakar Rao, Secretary General, India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF)

Warm greetings to all.
We extend sincere thanks to Office-bearers and members all State Constituents for their support and active participation in the programs of NCCOEEE against Electricity Amendment Bill 2021 and Privatisation.

Congratulations to warriors.
Unitedly we could able to demonstrate effectively and the Bill was not introduced in Parliament for now.

Be prepared for future.
We shall be vigilant about GOI moves reg the Bill and plunge into direct action whenever call is given by NCCOEEE National chapter and AIPEF.
Thanks to all
Long live AIPEF and NCCOEEE.
Save Power Sector -Save India.
Inquilab Zindabad

– Er Shailendra Dubey, Chairman, AIPEF
– Er P.Rathnakar Rao, Secretary General, AIPEF


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