Chhattisgarh Workers demonstrated against de-merger from NMDC and privatisation of Nagarnar Steel Plant at Parliament Street

Report from Com. Chandan, AITUC Head Office, Delhi

Hundreds of Workers from various units of NDMC and Nagarnar Steel Plant area in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh began their two days protest at Parliament Street on 17 November 2021. They were addressed by Ms Amarjeet Kaur, General Secretary, AITUC, Harinath Singh, General Secretary, Chhattisgarh AITUC, Liekhan Bhagel Sarpanch from Nagarnar area among others. Sukumar Damle, National Secretary, AITUC inaugurated the protest dharna.

They stated that the Nagarnar Steel Plant (NSP) is a 3 million tonne per annum integrated steel plant set up by NMDC at Nagarnar, Bastar District of Chhattisgarh in an area of 1980 acres at a revised estimated cost of Rs.23,140 crores. As on date NMDC has invested Rs.17,186 crores out of which Rs. 16,662 crores is from NMDC’s own fund and 524 crores has been raised from Bond market.
This is known that NMDC is a listed CPSE under the Ministry of Steel and Government of India has 69.95% share holding in the company.

They said that they are bound to oppose the demerger and disinvestment move of NSP from NMDC and matter is already under serious agitation at the plant level with active and emotional involvement of local people mostly Tribals from the naxal infected Bastar Region, the public representatives and the Government of Chhattisgarh.

They wanted the matter reexamined in the interest of Bastar people particularly the much awaited unemployed youth of Bastar tribals in general who are eager to get the plant commissioned at the earliest keeping the NSP with NMDC only.

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