Message from Convenor/Joint Convenor, United Forum of Mahabank Unions to all is members
This is to inform you that as decided today, 15th October representatives of UFBU Maha Bank met Executives Director Mr. Vijay Kumar, Mr Rajesh Kumar General Manager H.R. at Head Office Pune in Mass Deputation & handed over Memorandum & shared our views & feelings on all the contentious issues.
The representatives further expressed their strong resentment over the approach, attitude & behaviour of the management & more particularly HR authorities on which Executive Director Mr. Vijay Kumar expressed apologies on behalf of the management & assured UFBU representatives that management is prepared to discuss on the issues with a positive approach so as to arrive at amicable settlement. The meeting will be held on mutually consented date very soon.
The Executive Director further requested union representatives to hold back further agitation programmes. In view of this development UFBU representatives have unanimously decided to defer the agitation programme including Twitter Campaign proposed to take place on 16th October. At the same time we have to clarify that agitation is not withdrawn but deferred. As decided our-non participation in WhatsApp group of the bank officials & sticking up to the timing & non reporting to the duties on weekly off & public holidays will continue.
The UFBU was represented by Shri. Viraj Tikekar, Dhananjay Kulkarni, Santosh Gadade, Rajeev Tamhane, Shailesh Tilekar, Krushna Baroorkar, Ravindra Joshi, Anant Sawant, Ajay Panhale, Hemant Munde & Nilesh Kondalkar.
This outcome has become possible with the involvement of one & all and rock like unity of all UFBU constituents & their cadre. We appeal all of you to be alert & be in preparedness to plunge into actions if ultimately negotiations fail but in the meantime continue to reach to all & mobilise so as to be in preparedness.
With greetings,
Convenor/ Joint Convenor