An Appeal by the Maharashtra State Bank Employees Federation to bank customers to support strike on 19 November



(English translation of appeal in Marathi)

A Humble Appeal to Customers

Why will bank workers be on strike on 19th November?

More than 3 lakh members of AIBEA working in various banks will go on a one day token strike on 19th November. Bank managements of various banks are increasingly taking decisions unilaterally, completely keeping aside the established practice of bipartite negotiation process; taking decisions arbitrarily by completely negating various agreements reached during bipartite agreements. The strike is against these policies being adopted by managements of various banks. In many banks like Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra, Federal Bank, Central Bank, Catholic Syrian Bank, Sonali Bank etc. industrial relations have become extremely bitter due to many issues related with banks. AIBEA has given this strike call keeping this situation in mind.

Due to an insufficient number of employees, increased work load, the employees are already working under extreme stress. On this background, the arbitrary policies of managements are further disheartening the employees. The organizations of individual banks have raised these issues with their respective managements and tried to resolve them by negotiations. But these attempts failed and hence our organization has been forced to give an industry-wide strike call.

AIBEA, the organization of bank employees, has been consistently opposing the wrong policies of the government. This thus is a very planned attack by government on the organization and hence the 19th November strike of bank employees is inevitable. In various banks, managements are violating various labour laws, creating terror amongst employees and trying to crush the voice of their organization.

As an organization of bank employees, we have always cooperated with the government to implement various government schemes like demonetization, GST, Jiwan Jyoti, Jiwan Suraksha, Atal Pension Scheme, Mudra, Swanidhi etc. During the Corona pandemic also we ensured continued service to our customers risking our own lives. But at the same time we have steadfastly and strongly opposed the government’s policy of privatization of the banking sector since this policy is against the interests of the people of our country. Due to increasing privatization the deposits of common people of our country will become increasingly insecure and the common people will be thrown out of banking.

As an organization of bank employees, we request the common people of our country and our esteemed customers, to understand our viewpoint and support our strike.

Yours sincerely,

Com. Nandkumar Chavhan
Mob: 9820186165

Com. Devidas Tuljapurkar
General Secretary
Mob: 9422209380



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